I think blogging is not for me not because I can't put my thoughts into writing, but because I'm usually afraid to write them down for fear of revealing too much. So I decided to make this post mostly about photos, and if some random thoughts about the images pop up, I'll share them to you.
I'll pick up where I left off...entering England to start my 2012 'big vacay.' This is what happened after that.
Here are some photos taken in Northeast England: Newcastle Upon Tyne, York, and Alnwick.
Jumping for joy at the coast
Millenium bridge shot taken from Sage Gateshead
Scone with clotted cream and jam
Staring at the hog sandwiches. Yum, yum, yum!
Still carrying my hog sandwich all the way to Yorkminster :D
Took the ghost hunt tour by Andy Dextrous. It was hilarious!
Hats, anyone?
Afternoon tea

Me and my sister

Outside Alnwick Castle. Loooove flowers ;)